Туристический центр
          "Магнит Байкал"

                                                                                                                                 Воскресенье, 15.09.2024, 00:34

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Письменные работы для студентов в г. Иркутске

Location Listvennichnoe first time indicated in the notes by the researcher IG Georgi (1772-1773). At that time there was only a local resident Winterland Roman Kislitsyna, going to the village Nikolskoe. This cabin was constructed in 1725 and was intended for hunting sable. The area got its name because of the huge number of larch, which then grew along the entire coast.
To this day the huge taiga larch trees preserved on the Cape, but the ancient name of the village was changed to the modern, and today the village is called Listvyanka. In the XVIII century in the settlement of larch was built post office, a local pier begin to stop merchant ships.
It is from this point onwards no easy water passage across the great lake.
They could not pass Listvennichnoe all famous travelers, the king's ambassadors and famous Russian writers who made their voyages to the east.

Village Listvennichnoe transformed into the main harbor of Lake Baikal and holds a leading position among the surrounding villages.

Shipyard was the most significant and large enterprise Listvyanka in the past and it had been built and assembled a considerable number of ships of the Baikal fleet, including the famous steam-powered icebreaker "Baikal" and the icebreaker Angara.

Already in 1904 the village of larch and Nikolskoe acquire the status of parish Listvenichnenskaya.

The whole history of Listvyanka directly linked to the emergence and development of the Baikal fleet, with a permanent ferry service on the trade route across the lake, and since the beginning of XX century and the first steps to explore the lake means the then science.

At the end of XIX century, in June 1894 through Listvyanka proceeded AP Chekhov, in a letter to relatives, he said: "The banks are high, steep, rocky, wooded, right and left visible headlands that protrude into the sea like the Ayu-Dag or Theodosia Tohtebelya. Similar to the Crimea. Station larch is located at the water and is strikingly similar to Yalta, and be the white house, all would Yalta. Only the mountains are no buildings, because the mountains are too sheer and build on them can not. "

The construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric station, in the second half of the twentieth century, the coastal area Listvyanka got into a zone of flooding and because of this original buildings in the two lines of the main street turned into a single row.

How to remember local people, "all along the coast were built ryazhi and houses stood on both sides of the street, even on ryazhah along the street up to the slingshot. Houses stood half on land half on ryazhah, and happened when the great excitement, spray from the waves flew straight into the window. "

Architecture Listvyanka has its own peculiarities. For example, the ancient buildings of the village are typical of chopped logs at home, without planking outside walls. Almost all the buildings designed facade on the lake.

On the streets Listvyanka to this day one can see the old houses that are decorated with wooden carvings propyl.

Today Listvyanka - relatively small town (about 1,5 thousand people), but it stretches along Lake Baikal to 5 km.

At the end of the XX-XXI centuries. Listvyanka becoming an important resort and picturesque features of the ancient Siberian village fading.

High-rise hotels appear in place of old wooden houses, and in the midst of the summer season extended quay looks like a populated beach area with a kebab and gift shop.
Nevertheless, Listvyanka today's most popular vacation spot in the Irkutsk weekend, so it often called the gateway to Lake Baikal ", since it is from here and start ¬ considerable amount of travel on the Great Lakes.

The berth is located near the hotel "Mayak", you can always rent a boat for the water walk. Also on cruise ships, departing from the pier Listvyanka possible to make excursions in the village. Big Cats and the Cape of fat on the Circum-Baikal railway.

When the weather is good on Lake Baikal from Listvyanka can see the opposite, east bank of snowy peaks of Hamar-Daban, the distance to which about 40 km.